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LA CEBS Sponsorship Program

We are excited to be accepting corporate sponsorships of our Los Angeles CEBS Chapter. You may choose to purchase an Event or Annual Sponsorship. Rewards for each level of sponsorship are listed below:

  • Event Sponsorship

    • Corporate logo included on event promotions and invitation
    • Honorable mention in opening remarks
    • 2 complimentary admissions for the event
    • Placement of promotional items on attendee tables
  • Annual Sponsorship

    Valid for 12 months
    • Corporate logo and link listed on LA ISCEBS website
    • Corporate logo included on event promotions and invitations
    • Honorable mention in opening remarks for each event
    • 5 complimentary admissions for any event during sponsorship
    • Placement of promotional items on attendee tables

We would gladly discuss your interest in any level of Sponsorship. Please contact Michelle Landrum at

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